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Abnormal uterine bleeding

‘Irregularities in the menstrual cycle involving frequency,
regularity, duration, and volume of flow outside of pregnancy.’

Abnormal doesn’t mean uncommon.

It’s estimated up to 35% of women experience some form of abnormal uterine bleeding, most commonly during menarche and perimenopause. Also known as anovulatory bleeding, it can be heavy or prolonged bleeding for more than six months, or it may come on suddenly and severely

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding symptoms.

    Bleeding for more than eight days, bleeding or spotting between periods and any vaginal bleeding after menopause. Also, heavy bleeding during the menstrual period, where new tampons are required every hour for a number of hours in a row. Understandably, cramping and pain in the lower abdomen may accompany the above, along with fatigue.

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding causes

    Many cases are caused by a hormonal imbalance, however others include polyps, fibroids, endometriosis, medication, infection and some forms of contraception. In older women, the most significant cause can be cancer of the cervix or uterus.

Abnormal uterine bleeding treatment

There are various treatments available, depending on the cause and severity of the bleeding, your age and your individual circumstances.

Including hormones that can prevent the lining of your uterus from thickening, reduce cramping and help keep your menstrual cycle regular.

Hysteroscopy | D&C
A surgery done under general anaesthesia, where a telescope is inserted inside the uterus to visualise the cavity. Polyps and fibroids can also be removed at the same time.

Intrauterine device | IUD | Mirena
A small device that’s inserted into the uterus, and releases hormones that can significantly reduce abnormal bleeding.

Endometrial ablation
A surgical procedure that burns the lining of the uterus, is 90-95% effective and can prevent the need of a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, however, you can’t get pregnant after this procedure.

Most hysterectomies can be performed through keyhole surgery, or with the da Vinci robotic system, leading to shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery time, along with less complications compared to open surgery. You won’t be able to get pregnant after this procedure.